Top 40 Sweden News Websites in 2025
Sweden News Websites
Here are 40 Best Sweden News Websites you must follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Dagens Nyheter
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News, in-depth study, sports news, economic news, foreign news, debate, leaders, culture and web TV. Dagens Nyheter is Sweden's leading morning newspaper.
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2. Svenska Dagbladet
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Svenska Dagbladet stands for serious and fact-based quality journalism that challenges, questions and inspires.
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Facebook Followers 135.5KTwitter Followers 269.7KInstagram Followers 84.4K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 90 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
3. The Local Sweden
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Latest news, essential insights and practical guides to life in Sweden from The Local, Europe's leading independent voice.
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4. Barometern-OT
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Barometern is Småland's largest local daily newspaper with news, sports and entertainment from all over Kalmar County.
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5. Borås Tidning
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Borås Tidning is Sjuhärad's leading magazine with news, sports and entertainment.
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Twitter Followers 4.7KInstagram Followers 17.2K Frequency 30 posts/week Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
6. Kristianstadsbladet
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Kristianstadsbladet is northeastern Skåne's leading newspaper with news, sports and entertainment.
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Twitter Followers 3.2KInstagram Followers 15.3K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
7. Nya Wermlands-Tidningen
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Nya Wermlands-Tidningen is Värmland's largest morning newspaper. We keep you updated around the clock with local news, blue lights, sports news and much more!
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Facebook Followers 54.7KTwitter Followers 6.2KInstagram Followers 21.1K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 63 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
8. Dagens Industri
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The Nordic region's leading business magazine and financial site. Read more about finance, news and headlines in economy, banking, business and more.
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Facebook Followers 87.7KTwitter Followers 94.1KInstagram Followers 49.1K Frequency 8 posts/week Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
9. Expressen
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Sweden's best news site with news, sports and entertainment!
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Domain Authority 83 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
10. Helsingborgs Dagblad
Media Outlet + Follow
Read unbiased news and headlines in Sweden about daily happenings, economy, entertainment, politics, sports, and more!
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Facebook Followers 57.4KTwitter Followers 9.2K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 75 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
11. Sydsvenskan
Media Outlet + Follow is the leading news magazine in Skåne and the Öresund region. Read news and headlines about sports, business, culture, opinion, and more.
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Facebook Followers 94.9KTwitter Followers 100.5K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 82 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
12. Göteborgs-Posten
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Göteborgs-Posten reports news from Gothenburg, Sweden & the world.
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Facebook Followers 154.7KTwitter Followers 105.5KInstagram Followers 58.1K Frequency 30 posts/year Domain Authority 84 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
13. Nerikes Allehanda
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Nerikes Allehanda is a regional media house in Örebro County and one of Sweden's largest rural newspapers and largest news sites outside the metropolitan areas. NA conveys news and events in Örebro County - reviews, reveals, touches and takes a stand.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 67.1KTwitter Followers 6.9K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 61 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
14. Hallandsposten
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News from Hallandsposten. Hallandsposten is Halland's largest daily newspaper with a focus on Halmstad, Laholm and Hylte.
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Facebook Followers 32KTwitter Followers 3.8KInstagram Followers 16.4K Frequency 30 posts/year Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
15. Aftonbladet
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Aftonbladet is Sweden's primary and most engaging news source. Through journalism, we defend the truth and examine power.
Frequency 30 posts/year Domain Authority 89 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
16. Proletären
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A newspaper by and for workers since 1970. Published by the Communist Party.
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Twitter Followers 2.6K Frequency 16 posts/month Domain Authority 36 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
17. Ttela
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Ttela is the local newspaper for Trollhättan, Vänersborg, Mellerud and Lilla Edet.
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Facebook Followers 24.9KTwitter Followers 3KInstagram Followers 12.8K Frequency 9 posts/week Domain Authority 43 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
18. Värmlands Folkblad
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Värmlands Folkblad helps you keep track of what's happening in Värmland right now.
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19. Norrköpings Tidningar
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NT stands for local journalism about and from Norrköping, Finspång, Söderköping and Valdemarsvik.
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20. Kuriren
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Norrbottens-Kuriren is Luleå's largest newspaper. We mainly monitor what is happening in Norrbotten County.
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Instagram Followers 6.4K Domain Authority 54 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
21. Arbetarbladet
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Arbetarbladet is a local newspaper for Gästrikland and Norduppland founded in 1902.
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Twitter Followers 4.2K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
22. Dala-Demokraten
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We cover Dalarna. Dala-Demokraten is a daily newspaper that has been published since 1917.
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Facebook Followers 13.1KTwitter Followers 3.4K Frequency 15 posts/day Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
23. Jönköpings-Posten
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Jönköpings-Posten is the leading news media in Vätterbygden. Stay up to date on what's happening in the Jönköping area!
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Facebook Followers 44.4KTwitter Followers 5K Frequency 29 posts/day Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
24. Skånska Dagbladet
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Skånska Dagbladet is the site for the daily newspaper Skånska Dagbladet. We cover and write about Mellanskåne and southern Skåne.
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Facebook Followers 20.7KTwitter Followers 4.7KInstagram Followers 2.2K Frequency 30 posts/day Domain Authority 59 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
25. Dagen
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Read timely, accurate, and community-oriented reporting covering Politics, Society, Culture, and lifestyle in Sweden. Dagen is Sweden's largest Conservative newspaper focusing on recent events from a Christian perspective. Read the latest news, the debates, and more at Email ****
Facebook Followers 23.2KTwitter Followers 10.5K Frequency 11 posts/day Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
26. Nyheter Idag
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Nyheter Idag is an independent news site in tabloid form, created by Chang Frick and Jakob Bergman. Our news reporting focuses on politics, gossip, social media and foreign news. The focus is to create your own news through interviews, be on site to film/photograph and follow what is happening in social media.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 51.4K Frequency 14 posts/quarter Domain Authority 56 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
27. SVT Nyheter
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SVT Nyheter is an independently run news station in Sweden producing content that engages, entertains, and enriches all ages and interests. We help keep the pulse on Political, Commercial, and other interests in society. Catch minute-by-minute news updates, as well as comprehensive reports, investigative stories, and other trending topics in Sweden.MORE Email ****
Frequency 21 posts/day Domain Authority 88 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
28. TV4
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News, sports, weather, and the best from TV4's programs. AS Sweden's largest News and Media organization, TV4 brings together broad entertainment, extended news, and current affairs programs to its viewers. Discover updating news and other content here at our digital channel, Email ****
Frequency 27 posts/day Domain Authority 75 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
29. ABC Nyheter
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Stay connected to the public conversation with regular updates on Sweden's Politics, entertainment, finance, entertainment, travel, and much more. ABC News is an emerging news portal for Sweden and gives you the latest news updates from Sweden and abroad.MORE Email ****
Twitter Followers 11 Frequency 1 post/week Domain Authority 22 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
30. Alingsås Tidning
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Alingsås Tidning is a regional Newspaper and website serving Alingsas in Swden. We keep you updated on what is happening in Alingsås, Vårgårda, and Herrljunga. Here on our website, you will find the latest happenings across Business, Local life, Sports, Leisure avenues, and Opinions.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 10.6KTwitter Followers 1.8KInstagram Followers 3.7K Frequency 10 posts/week Domain Authority 40 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
31. Arvika Nyheter
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Arvika Nyheter is a three-day newspaper published in the area surrounding western Värmland. The homepage, showcases articles and round-the-clock updates on the most critical matters currently in public disclosure. Stay informed on the latest developments from local communities, sports, entertainment and cultural events.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 8.1KInstagram Followers 3.7K Frequency 15 posts/day Domain Authority 27 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
32. BLT
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BLT is Blekinge's largest morning newspaper. Here we share news from the entire county. Explore informative, engaging content featuring news delivery, opinion formation, information, review, and public education. BLT is powered by Gota Media, a news media organization providing extensive coverage of Sweden and the World to Swedish people.MORE Email ****
Twitter Followers 4.1KInstagram Followers 10.2K Frequency 18 posts/month Domain Authority 56 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
33. Europaportalen
Media Outlet + Follow
The news site Europaportalen monitors Swedish EU policy and developments in Europe. We produce and compile news and provide current overviews on various topics. Europaportal's goal is to describe our political and economic contemporary times in a European context in a simple, objective, and comprehensive way.MORE Email ****
Frequency 10 posts/week Domain Authority 47 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
34. Nkpg.News
Media Outlet + Follow
Norrkoping's source of Daily News, Analysis, Official press releases and other fun stuff. NkpgNews, sprung from the news portal Nyhetswebben focuses on emergency news from Norrköping and the surrounding area as well as important and interesting social information.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 9.3KTwitter Followers 112 Frequency 2 posts/week Domain Authority 16 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
35. Skaraborgs Nyheter
Media Outlet + Follow
News that affects the whole of Skaraborg. Skaraborgs Nyheter is a local newspaper covering and reporting on the latest Crimes, Political events, Community news, and everything you need to know to stay updated on the region. Read all our Skaraborg as well as National news coverage updates here.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 30K Frequency 20 posts/day Domain Authority 9 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
36. Stockholms Fria
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Find in-depth, bold, and striking reporting on pressing global and local matters. The paper and website especially offer coverage and commentary of social and political actors and events that contribute to open, democratic, peaceful, solitary, and ecological social development. Stockholms Fria Tidningen is publishedby Mediehuset Grönt AB.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 3Twitter Followers 358 Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
Sweden Journalists
Author Name | Designation | Media Outlet | |
Felicia Ferreira | Chief Editor | | |
Debattartiklar och insu00e4ndare | Editor | | |
Arvika Nyheter | Editorial Inquiries | | |
Linus Carle | Reporter | | |
Oscar Walldu00e9n | Reporter | | |
Jonas Aspetorp | Reporter | | |
Anton Eriksson | Reporter | | |
Tim u00d6berg | Reporter | | |
BLT | Editorial Inquiries | | |
Skaraborgs Nyheter | Editorial Inquiries | | |
Anders Svensson | Contributor | | |
Margit Silberstein | Contributor | | |
Katrine Marçal | Contributor | | |
Sara Martinsson | Contributor | | |
Vesna Prekopic | Contributor | | |
Maria Gunther | Contributor | | |
Sofia Nerbrand | Contributor | | |
Pamela Jaskoviak | Contributor | | |
Susanne Nyström | Contributor | | |
Dan Lucas | Contributor | | |
Leif Westerhede | Contributor | | |
Mathias Lühr | Contributor | | |
Oskar Pålsson | Contributor | | |
Kristina Lindquist | Contributor | | |
David Winberg | Contributor | | |
Nathan Shachar | Contributor | | |
Marianne Björklund | Contributor | | |
Carl Johan von Seth | Contributor | | |
Hanna Hellquist | Contributor | | |
Marcus Nilsson | Contributor | | |
Johan Croneman | Contributor | | |
Åsa Beckman | Contributor | | |
Hans Rosén | Contributor | | |
Christian Naumanen | Contributor | | |
Jörgen Ström | Contributor | | |
Kristofer Ahlström | Contributor | | |
Eva Frid | Contributor | | |
Mattias Gejrot | Contributor | | |
Victor Laag | Contributor | | |
Gunnar Jonsson | Contributor | | |
Roland Paulsen | Contributor | | |
Linus Larsson | Contributor | | |
Vildana Aganović | Contributor | | |
Sune Johannesson | Contributor | | |
Hanne Kjöller | Contributor | | |
Jörn Spolander | Contributor | | |
Joakim Broman | Contributor | | |
Saga Cavallin | Contributor | | |
Anna-Lena Laurén | Contributor | | |
Mimmie Björnsdotter Grönkvist | Contributor | |