Top 30 Cuba News Websites in 2025
Cuba News Websites
Here are 30 Best Cuba News Websites you must follow in 2025. Subscribe in one place on FeedSpot Reader.
1. Granma
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Official news portal of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba. Read daily updated latest news and headlines related to economy, politics, sports, technology, culture and more.
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2. 14ymedio
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We are the leading independent news outlet made from Cuba. We seek to inform promptly and objectively about the most important issues for deep Cuba.
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3. Juventud Rebelde
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Cuban news outlet with exclusive last minute news updated in real time. We have interviews, comments and analysis of the topics that move the news events on the planet, as well as specials and multimedia content.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 154.6KTwitter Followers 5.9K Frequency 26 posts/day Domain Authority 72 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
4. ADN Cuba
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ADN Cuba is a independent audiovisual magazine on human rights, politics, culture and current affairs on Cuba.
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Facebook Followers 1.1MTwitter Followers 50.4KInstagram Followers 202.6K Frequency 5 posts/day Domain Authority 54 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
5. Trabajadores
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Digital Portal of the Trabajadores Weekly. News from Cuba covering opinion, sports, culture, health, history, and more.
Facebook Followers 14.2KTwitter Followers 6.7K Frequency 20 posts/day Domain Authority 60 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
6. Havana Times
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Havana Times is an independent source for news and opinion on and from Cuba. Get the voice of Cuban youth as well as reports from seasoned journalists.
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Facebook Followers 15.5KTwitter Followers 3.1KInstagram Followers 620 Frequency 4 posts/day Domain Authority 65 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
7. 5 Septiembre
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Newspaper from the province of Cienfuegos, in the south-central part of Cuba, the largest among the Antillean Islands.
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Twitter Followers 8.7KInstagram Followers 582 Frequency 8 posts/day Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
8. Directorio Cubano
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Cuban Directory is the main global content guide on Cuba.We are a news portal oriented to the interests of the Cuban reader in terms of procedures, flights and travel, tourism and immigration, remittances and online purchases.MORE Facebook Followers 114.7KTwitter Followers 6.9KInstagram Followers 14.3K Frequency 11 posts/day Domain Authority 27 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
Media Outlet + Follow
Daily Internet edition of Adelante newspaper. News from Camagüey, Cuba and the rest of the World. Photographs, interviews, comments and reports on the reality in Cuba, published by the first newspaper created after the triumph of the Revolution.MORE Facebook Followers 22.7KTwitter Followers 9.7K Frequency 4 posts/month Domain Authority 48 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
10. Cubanos por el Mundo
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Cubanos por el Mundo is an informative medium focused on the news of Cuba. We are the number one site for celebrity news, artists and politicians in Cuba
Frequency 7 posts/day Domain Authority 49 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
11. ARTV
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Space for the dissemination of news events in the Artemisa province and the programming of the Artemisa provincial telecentre.
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Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 1.7K Frequency 5 posts/week Domain Authority 79 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
12. Cuba Si
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Latest Cuba and world news covering topics like sports, culture, science and technology, multimedia, and more.
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Frequency 10 posts/week Domain Authority 66 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
13. Cubaperiodistas
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News about journalism and communication media in Cuba and the world.
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Facebook Followers 6.8KTwitter Followers 2.9K Frequency 10 posts/week Domain Authority 54 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
14. Asere
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The news of Cuba and the world in one place. Our mission Ris to reach out to everyone in the world in the form of a greeting; that every Cuban, regardless of how far he is from his land, can learn about it and stay informed about it through our pages.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 30.4KTwitter Followers 16Instagram Followers 32.2K Frequency 11 posts/day Domain Authority 31 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
15. Portal Cuba
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Portal Cuba is a thematic portal that provides up-to-date information on Cuba. News, weather, exchange rates, access to hundreds of Cuban sites and special promotions are some of our proposals that provide comprehensive knowledge for those who want to know the history, culture, traditions and reality of our country.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 5.9KTwitter Followers 3.8K Frequency 9 posts/week Domain Authority 63 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
16. Cuba Heute
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Cuba Today has been reporting independently, factually and critically on the latest developments in Cuba since 2012, making it the oldest news site on Cuba in the German-speaking world.
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17. Cubanet
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News from the independent press in Cuba on human rights, economy, culture, art, sports. Founded in 1994, CubaNet is a non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a free press in Cuba, helping its independent sector develop a civil society, and informing the world of the reality of Cuba.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 1.6MTwitter Followers 72.8KInstagram Followers 166.8K Frequency 10 posts/day Domain Authority 76 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
18. CubaNoticias361
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Cuba Noticias 360 offers updated news from Cuba betting on the immediacy and veracity of the information.
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19. Cuba Standard
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Cuba Standard is an independent digital news service that provides reliable, factual information and insightful analysis on the Cuban economy.
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Domain Authority 45 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
20. Cubita NOW
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CubitaNOW is a space dedicated to all Cubans. Our mission is to inform and entertain every Cuban around the world.
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Facebook Followers 832.7KTwitter Followers 26.4KInstagram Followers 29.8K Domain Authority 32 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
21. Periódico Cubano
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Independent media about current affairs in Cuba and the world. Where there is a Cuban there is news.
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Facebook Followers 543KTwitter Followers 12.8KInstagram Followers 47K Frequency 16 posts/day Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
22. Bohemia
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News and analysis of Cuba and the World in sports, culture, politics, economy, science and more.
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Facebook Followers 5.9KTwitter Followers 7 Frequency 4 posts/day Domain Authority 55 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
23. Cubahora
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Cubahora is the first exclusively digital Cuban magazine that has been inserted in the Internet media scenario since 1998 with the purpose of expanding the country's presence in virtual communication spaces, based on the treatment of current national and international issues.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 134.1KTwitter Followers 50K Frequency 2 posts/day Domain Authority 61 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
24. Cuban News Agency
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A news agency with different services, including radio, news services, photos, all about Cuba and its reality.
Facebook Followers 1.8KTwitter Followers 72.1K Frequency 16 posts/day Domain Authority 63 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
25. Prensa Latina
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Prensa Latina is the official site of the Latin American News Agency based in Cuba. It generates, processes and offers information from the country and the rest of the world.
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Facebook Followers 40.3K Frequency 10 posts/day Domain Authority 37 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
26. elartemiseño
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The artemiseño is a means of communication dedicated to the community of Artemisa. Here you will find our history, the daily events of the province, interviews with its most distinguished personalities and the critical eye of the journalistic team.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 14.5KTwitter Followers 3.7K Frequency 5 posts/day Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
27. Periódico Invasor
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Newspaper from the Cuban province. Invasor's mission is to become the main means of information about what happens in Avilanian territory, in addition to treating relevant events that occur in Cuba and the world.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 22.1KTwitter Followers 10.5KInstagram Followers 1.9K Frequency 4 posts/week Domain Authority 50 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
28. Periódico Guerrillero
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News and information from the island and the rest of the world. Guerrillero was founded on July 6, 1969. Initially it circulated as a daily newspaper until 1992, when it ceased to be a reflection of the day-to-day life of Pinar del Rio people to become, every Friday, a weekly spokesperson.MORE Email ****
Facebook Followers 22.5KTwitter Followers 9.4KInstagram Followers 1.6K Frequency 30 posts/quarter Domain Authority 44 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
29. Tele Pinar
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The Tele Pinar digital site represents the westernmost Cuban province, Pinar del Río. Its main objective is to inform the world of the work of the people of Pinar del Río in all areas - political, economic, social, sports, cultural - without forgetting the most relevant aspects of the national and world events.MORE Facebook Followers 56.8KTwitter Followers 8.4KInstagram Followers 1.9K Frequency 8 posts/day Domain Authority 30 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
30. Tribuna de La Habana
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Tribuna de La Habana is a digital publication of the Cuban capital which reflects on latest news related to politics, culture, sports, health, science, technology, history and more.
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Facebook Followers 26.4KTwitter Followers 18.3KInstagram Followers 4K Frequency 4 posts/week Domain Authority 39 Read Now Get Journalists Contact
Cuba Journalists
Author Name | Designation | Media Outlet | |
Marilyn Bobes | Contributor | | |
Roberto Jiménez | Contributor | | |
Jorge Luis Urra Maqueira | Contributor | | |
Armando Sáez Chávez | Contributor | | |
Yaima Puig Meneses y Redacción Digital | Contributor | | |
René Tamayo León y Redacción Digital | Contributor | | |
Arsenio Rodríguez Pérez | Contributor | | |
Héctor Castillo Toledo | Contributor | | |
Augusto César San Martín | Contributor | | |
Lucero Villalba | Contributor | | |
Jeniree Paola Azuaje Huz | Contributor | | |
Igor Guilarte Fong | Contributor | | |
Pastor Batista | Contributor | | |
Samantha de Zayas Muñoz | Contributor | | |
Joel García León | Contributor | | |
Recetas Madres Cubanas | Contributor | | |
René Tamayo León | Contributor | | |
Cubadebate | Contributor | | |
Heidy Pérez Barrera | Contributor | | |
Dorelys Canivell Canal | Contributor | | |
Jorge Pérez Cruz | Contributor | | |
Jesús Medina | Contributor | | |
Carlos Escorihuela | Contributor | | |
Lourdes Rey | Contributor | | |
Soledad Cruz Guerra | Contributor | | |
Octavio Fraga Guerra | Contributor | | |
Yirmara Torres | Contributor | | |
Dainarys Campos Montesino | Contributor | | |
Daima Cardoso Valdés | Contributor | | |
Evelyn Corbillón Díaz | Contributor | | |
Luis Perdomo | Contributor | | |
Yolanda Molina Pérez | Contributor | | |
María Sosa | Contributor | | |
Leticia Martínez Hernández | Contributor | | |
Arturo Chang | Contributor | | |
Prensa Latina | Contributor | | |
Guerrillero | Contributor | | |
Ramón Barreras Ferrán | Contributor | | |
Jaime Pérez | Contributor | | |
Referencia Externa | Contributor | | |
Dorelys Canivell Canal | Contributor | | |
Cubanos por el Mundo | Contributor | | |
Daniel Martinez Rodriguez | Contributor | | |
Alexander González | Contributor | | |
Toni Pradas | Contributor | | |
Evelio Tellería Alfaro | Contributor | | |
Hugo | Contributor | | |
Camila Acosta | Contributor | | |
Camila Ferrer | Contributor | | |
Julio Martínez Molina | Contributor | |